
Gear up for a new chapter of learning and laughter with our Back-to-School Collection. From stylish backpacks to smart essentials, each piece is a nod to both fashion and functionality. Elevate the excitement of going back to school with our curated selection, where every item is designed to inspire confidence, fuel curiosity, and make the journey of education a stylish adventure. Get ready for a school year filled with discovery, growth, and a touch of trendsetting flair!
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19 products

Reversible Sequins Dinosaur Backpack Kids 3-6
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Seazide Shop
2-7T Safari Chic Summer Dress
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Seazide Shop
Foxy Fun Sweatpants
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Seazide Shop
0-3T Newborn Cotton Pant
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Seazide Shop
Pure Comfort Children's Pants
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Seazide Shop
2pc Cotton Double Gauze T-Shirt+Shorts Set
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Seazide Shop
Cotton Polo T Shirt
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Seazide Shop
Vroom Vroom Children's Tees
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Seazide Shop
Princess Tutu Dress
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Seazide Shop
Summer Breeze Cotton Linen Dress
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Seazide Shop
Pink Polka Dots Summer Dress
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Seazide Shop
From $21.99
Polkadot Cotton Tutu Dress
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Seazide Shop
From $35.99