Potty Training : How to begin and some tips

Potty Training : How to begin and some tips

Early potty training supporters might claim that toilet training a baby is potentially less frustrating than potty training a toddler, simply because the teaching is taking place before the "terrible twos" or the "tricky threes."

However, early potty training success depends a lot on your commitment to keeping up the schedule and your baby's innate temperament. He can't tell you when he needs to go and you won't be able to tell him what you want him to do. Instead, you'll have to pick up on his cues that he needs to pee or poop and act on them.

Follow these tips if you're trying to potty train your baby:

  • Watch and learn. Because so much of toilet training your infant will rely on your ability to get him to potty in time to use it, you'll have to figure out what his special non-verbal cues are when he needs to empty his bladder or his bowels.  Does he wriggle or squirm? Does he grunt or make other sounds? Does his face turn red? Also notice when he pees and poops (after a feeding? after a nap?) and write it down so that you can start to pick up on his pattern.
  • Take it to the toilet. After you've figured out his pattern and behaviors, you can start by taking him to a toilet or potty seat (or even a small bucket) whenever you see signs that he needs to go. Hold him securely on the seat (bare-bottomed, of course).
  • Give a signal. While he pees or poops, begin to make a noise that he can learn to associate with potty breaks, such as "ssssss." Sound off whenever he's in the act of peeing or pooping, or as soon as you anticipate he's about to. That way he'll begin to associate the sensation of needing to relieve himself with both the potty and your verbal signal. 
  • Repeat! Now the trick is being consistent. If it helps, establish a schedule for potty breaks, as well as watching for your baby's signals. Building in as much predictability as possible will make it easier for you, and it will help your child fall into a daily rhythm as well.

While consistency is indeed important here, there should be room for flexibility, too. Make him wear a potty training pants for those little accidents . It will let her know , as the inside will be wet but at the same time, it will not flow out and soil her clothes /legs. Check out the cute and comfy potty training  pants at Seazide

Potty Training Pants

If watching for your baby's signs is too stressful when you're out and about, put your little one in diapers before you leave the house. 


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